Hi I'm Safluke Ahmed.




About me


My name is Safluke Ahmed and my experience as a Chemical Engineer led to my interest in technology and the subsequent enrolment to the University of Birmingham for MSc Computer Science. I am currently learning full stack web development with JavaScript and Java, as well as automation and scripting with Python.


Tap the titles to reveal more

Project Management App

Front-End Interface demonstrating REST API calls

Project Management App

Full-stack application that helps facilitate project management. Back-end acts as a RESTful API service, allowing full CRUD functionality and entry into a mySQL database. Front-end interface created to demonstrate endpoint communication in action.

Zillow Web Scraping

Showing automation live in action!

Zillow Web Scraping

Scrapes Zillow property listings using the DOM with beautiful Soup. Selenium is used to automate google form responses into a CSV format.

Flash Card App

TKinter GUI demonstrating App in action

Flash Card App

Flash card app that utilises the concept of active recall to make learning easier. Data is saved locally, so you can pick off from where you left. Topics are customisable.


Tic Tac Toe against the computer


Play against a human or a computer. Made to consolidate learning of front-end development concepts.

Stock Tracker

Screenshot of automatically generated Stock Alert

Stock Tracker

Utilises API services to retrieve stock price information. Based on a given volatility, will use another API service to gather top 3 pieces of news related to the stock and send an automated Whatsapp notification. PyWhatKit library ammended for specific use.

Snake Game

Snake Game in Action!

Snake Game

Created to increase my understanding of Object-Orientated Programming. Stores the high score locally.

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